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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two worlds release postponed.


We were supposed to see the release of  Two Worlds early next month but Southpeak announced the US release is going to be postponed until January 2011. Here's what they had to say.

Souhtpeak has issued the following statement:
There have been numerous posts recently regarding the release date of Two Worlds II. First of all, it’s gratifying to see that so many people care so much about the game and we thank you for your enthusiasm and passion. It’s definitely a game that we’re proud to publish; Reality Pump is on the verge of delivering a benchmark RPG experience.
Here’s the vital news: Two Worlds II is set for a January release in North America. We understand that this is not great news for those of you eager for an October release and we can understand that you might feel that our European cousins’ potentially getting the game before you is frustrating to say the least. However, there’s a reason for everything and although we feel that the game is truly at ‘AAA’ level, that reason is that we want Two Worlds II to be absolutely flawless when it launches in the North American market. Although we could bring the game to market earlier in order to take advantage of the holiday buying season, we felt that we would do a better service to you by making sure that the game you want is absolutely as it should be. It’s vital to us that we always give you the best possible information and this is the reason that we haven’t commented on the date before now; we did not want to say something to you, only to have that information change once again. Now, we are in a position to confirm the January release date.
For those that have said that they will torrent or import the game because they simply cannot wait, there’s nothing that we can do to stop you. However, please remember that by pirating the game, you are hurting those who worked hard to make the game for you, reducing the chance of another game in the future. By importing the game, you’re paying more money for something that if you can wait, you’ll be able to buy in January at a cheaper price and that will have benefitted from heavyweight Quality Assurance (QA) for the North American market.
We’ll have a further update for our friends in the UK, Australia and New Zealand in the near future.
We are continually grateful for your understanding, patience and continued support.
The SouthPeak Team

Posted by SLG_Rady


Mundane said...

Okay... I doubt I'm the only one, but...

Is it me, or does that picture look like a Lord of the Rings rip-off? >.>

Mr.Awesome said...

Nah, I kinda agree with you Mundane. Looks cool as hell though

la comédie said...

nice post

Unknown said...

yes it looks like Lord of the Rings.
Im following u :D

Ox said...

@ Mundane
sorta haha, just noticed that myself :P

Beerandchips said...

bummer i wanted this to come out

Anonymous College Student said...

mite be cool.

Rezden said...

Sounds like they are taking a page out of Blizzard's book, it'll be released when it's done.

resultsmayvary said...

Yeah, take your time guys. Rather have a great game later than a crap one now.