
Friday, September 24, 2010
Enslaved Demo Released for 360
The demo for Enslaved: Odyssey To The West was made available for download via XBOX Live today. Enslaved tells the story of Monkey, a man who lives in the wilds of a post-apocalyptic world, until he is captured by a band of slavers. On their ship(a flying one, no less), he encounters Trip, a young woman who's techspertise matches Monkey's raw strength. Together, you manage to break free from the pirates, but before you can part ways, Trip places a slave band on Monkeys head, using the threat of pain and paralysis to force Monkey to escort her west, back to the colony she came from.
According to publisher Ninja Theory, the game's story centers around the relationship between Monkey and Trip:
"ENSLAVED centers on the complex relationship between the two main characters. Players take on the role of Monkey, utilizing a mix of combat, strategy and environmental traversal to ensure he and Trip survive the threats and obstacles that stand in the way of their freedom.
"As Monkey is forced into a reluctant partnership with Trip, their relationship grows increasingly complex. He learns to rely on Trip, but he also teaches her confidence and strategy. She, in turn, shows Monkey how to trust and be a team player. Although they are constantly at each other's throats, together, Trip and Monkey make a colorful pair." - Enslaved Official Site
In a similar vein, the gameplay in Enslaved is cooperative; Monkey and Trip have unique skills, and often you must use both to complete your objectives:
"You can't be a brute superhero and always run in with guns blazing. You've got to rely on smarts as well as strength to get you through. ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West is tactical teamwork at its finest. Survey the environment and work together with Trip to choose your battle against the obstacles that stand in the way of your freedom. You take the role of Monkey, with Trip by your side—a constant reminder of your unyielding objective: protect her or suffer the grisly consequences.
"A contextual combat system allows you to execute a variety of complex attacks on enemies ranging in size from human to 1000-foot Titans. Attack and defend with agile prowess using a combination of melee attacks, blocks, and intense takedowns. Use Monkey to overtake an enemy, steal its weapon, and either rip it apart systematically or destroy it in one satisfying final blow." - Enslaved Official Site
Enslaved looks like one hell of a ride.
Posted by SLG_J
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how come there aren't any new games for the atari 5200? I've been waiting like 20 years for them to come out with centipede 2...
Awesome, i'll check it out.
I shall be looking into this thank you
This sounds epic
I can't access XBOX Live :(
Thank's !
Thank's a lot ! !
I'll check it out, awesome thanks.
mite be cool.
I will probably wait to see reviews first.
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